Day 13 – August 25, 2022 Collaboration

Collaboration is a key factor in the success of any group. I had been hired to teach first and second grade at Montview. This was a team that was connected and worked well together. We had our official leader. Cheryl did a nice job of keeping us focused and providing quality instruction for our students. Cheryl was a Teacher on Special Assignment or TOSA. She was also one of the adjunct professors at the University of Denver for teacher training. Cheryl was an exceptional professor and was as talented working with the primary grade teachers at Montview.  As with any group, we also had our unofficial leaders. Suzanne was that for us in the primary wing. Her husband was a doctor at Fitzsimons Army Hospital a few blocks away. She carried on that military-like efficiency in our group.
We had scheduled planning meetings. We all got together and organized our instruction around concepts and themes. The meetings were efficient and detailed and left us with no gray area about our goals. We had the obvious personality leeway in our classrooms but we had set goals. I was very good about listening and paying attention to the expertise of the other teachers in our group. I was pretty good about carrying out the plans and themes. Six months into my first year, before the winter holiday, we were having our planning meeting for after the break activities and themes. I felt that this was the time I could finally contribute and offer ideas. Since I was the man hired in primary I mistakenly thought I could add perspective. I soon learned the error of my ways. I gave an elaborate idea that I thought would be a great addition to the unit. Everyone patiently listened to my idea and felt that they were giving it fair consideration. When I finished Suzanne quietly turned to me and in a matter-of-fact tone said, “You know that the only reason we hired you was to get boxes off the top shelf?” I quietly nodded and didn’t say anything until June. That was one of many jokes about being a man in primary but much of what I learned about teaching I learned from that group.