World of Work Blog
Many people from my age group had off-the-books jobs before they turned 16. When I was thirteen, I worked at a rental store cleaning equipment as it was returned. My father worked there as a mechanic, and the owners were good family friends. My job Read more
In the 1970s, Target Stores had automotive service departments. I was a young college student looking for summer work. I must have looked like a mechanic because they placed me in the service department. I learned to put on new tires, balance them, and occasionally Read more
I had a ten-year career in retail that began as a part-time stock person in the toy department at the Woolco store in Greeley, Colorado. Woolco, the discount division of the Woolworth Company, operated large stores offering everything from auto services to candy. The store Read more
Woolworth was a five-and-dime store that started in 1879 and served as the model for variety stores offering goods at reasonable prices. We were known for carrying everything from candy to sporting goods, with a particular focus on home goods, especially sewing and craft supplies. Read more
I’ve always tried to live my life in a way that minimizes contact with authorities. However, managing stores for Woolworths inevitably brought me into contact with local police. In the mid-'80s, there was a bit of a crime problem in the neighborhood where I worked, Read more
People often reminisce about their first job, and the memories associated with it vary widely. Some cherish the experience, while others resent the time spent in that role. Many, however, find themselves in the middle, holding both positive and negative memories. Over time, it's observed Read more
Working for a decade at the Woolworth Corporation gave rise to a plethora of captivating anecdotes. Amid numerous opportunities to bolster the company and foster customer loyalty, none proved as potent as the art of price-matching. However, amidst these tactics, there were occasional encounters with Read more