Day 17 – August 31, 2022 Teddy Bears

I have had the opportunity to work with some people that worked tirelessly for students. I was always impressed with those that could find a unique way but touched every student’s heart. Montview had a couple of folks that changed lives for a tough demographic.  Cathy Stanforth was our cafeteria manager and loved working for kids.  She would spend hundreds of hours collecting teddy bears and other stuffed animals for our students. Every teacher in the building was always on the hunt for teddy bears to bring them in for Cathy. She would take them home and wash them and get them ready. Teddy Bear day was a favorite of the students but even more fun for teachers. There is nothing as cool as seeing the face of a kid and his new teddy bear. In the primary grades, we knew that the afternoon was time spent playing with the bears. 
Whenever I think about how tough school is and how much of a tough exterior, every student was overwhelmed by the gift. When I have talked to folks who do these types of things I get a common answer. “It seemed like the thing to do for the students.” Cathy never wanted a lot of publicity for what she did. She wanted to see the smiles on the faces of the kids. I always felt elevated in her presence. I aspired to her level of caring for kids. Very rarely do you find these people but I would love to bottle them and replicate them. I haven’t seen Cathy in many years but I will never forget her and her example.
The next two days are in-service so I will be resuming the Tuesday after Labor Day.