The Lost Backbone of Education

graphic of title "Best field trip"

At every staff development day in my thirty years of teaching, we were asked to connect the curriculum to the students or the real world. Over the last few years, however, I believe we have lost focus and forcefully removed the backbone of these ideas, using words like frivolous, childish, silly, and trivial.…

Teaching Systems Thinking to 4th Graders

Picture of computer teacher in front of a classAs technology becomes more ubiquitous in our world, I think back to my humble beginnings. When I was teaching Technology at Montview, I was sometimes limited by the classroom teachers’ expectations. While I wanted to give the kids all they could handle, the teachers often just wanted word processing, slideshows, and drawings done on the computer.…

Day 63 November 16, 2022 Cops, Robbers, & Idiots

I mentioned that I would go back to elementary now and then. Today is about a robbery down the street from Montview. The store was held up at gunpoint and the robber headed toward Montview. This was in the days before lockdowns and duck and cover, He crashed his car about a block from Montview and jumped out of his car, and ran toward our building.…

Day 51 October 31, 2022 Frog Fiasco

I have a few thoughts on teaching elementary that I want to share. This is my last post for my elementary years and I still have a ton of stories. I want to say that teaching for nine years in elementary was the best prelude to teaching high school.…

Day 50 October 28, 2022 Technology Leader

Accomplishments are important and I am a believer that if my accomplishments help others, I have been successful. In the mid-90s we were writing out report cards for every student. Your hands would cramp up and trying to find ways to say things briefly became an art.

Day 48 – October 26, 2022 Financial Fiduciary

I am a big fan of planning. There exists a group of people that spend money like there is no end and that they will always have money. The other piece is that people often look at the new shiny toy and feel the need to have it.…

Day 47 – October 25, 2022 Early Adopter

Microworlds and Logo programming was my first step into programming with kids. I was doing this with students in the third, fourth, and fifth grades at Montview. As I compare to students coming into my class today, those elementary kids were miles ahead of the high school kids I see now.…

Day 46 October 24, 2022 Breaking Up A Meeting

Welcome back from Fall Break.

Today is one of the ways to break up a staff meeting. Any teacher who has been to a staff meeting understands. Unfortunately, they can’t be leveled like we are asked to do in our classrooms.…

Day 45 – October 13, 2022 Sheltered English

I think every child ought to visit Disneyland. It really is the happiest place on earth. I have many stories about Disneyland and they will come up when I transition to high school. My first time at Disneyland was as a teacher at Montivew.…

Day 44 – October 12, 2022 Mentors

Teaching has given me the good fortune to meet many influential teachers over the last few years. One of my favorites was meeting and talking to Donald Graves. Donald Graves was a leader in the reforming of writing. His books stand out as beacons of light as a way to instruct young writers.…

Day 43 – October 11, 2022 Interview Intervention

It is not what you know but who you know. This will be a repeating theme in my story. On September 6 or Day 18, I spoke about getting hired. This is about the interview before getting hired. The first time I encountered this was while getting hired at Montview.…

Day 42 – October 10, 2022 Chrysalis not Cocoon

Opportunity and flexibility are important in elementary classrooms. Too many teachers teach their lesson plans and often don’t teach their students. You sometimes have to seize an opportunity and let the planned lesson fall by the wayside. These are often the best learning days.…

Day 40 – October 6, 2022 Work Wife

Usually, businesses and other organizations make sure not to have spouses working together. In our case at Montview, we were looking to hire a special education teacher. My principal asked me if it was okay to hire my wife away from the private school where she was working at the time.…

Day 27 – September 19, 2022 Early Web Design

One of the challenges of being the “Tech Guy” is that everyone wants advice or work for free. I have undertaken those opportunities over the years. Usually, because someone else dragged me into it or asked too nicely. I have started websites for several education groups and schools.…

Day 20 – September 8, 2022 Mrs. Truman

Recently I did a post about the cafeteria manager who got teddy bears for students. I want to now tell the story of the “Book Lady” that kids loved. Mrs. Truman lived down the block from Montview and had lived there for many years.…

Day 18, – September 6, 2022 Would You Consider

I have had good luck with serendipity during my career. The first example was how I started working in Aurora. I had an interview with Montview and with Rock Ridge in Castle Rock. Rock Ridge was the school where I student taught.…

Day 16 – August 30, 2022 Network Technician

Teaching during the start of this current information and internet age was a blessing and a curse. We often had the freedom do what we wanted to do because nobody was sure of what it was we were doing. Networking equipment was one of the first big hurdles.

Day 1 – August 9, 2022 First Day

A hot day in July 1993 was my first day as a teacher in my own classroom. I was teaching at Montview Elementary in Aurora, Colorado. It was a year-round school in the northern part of the city. It was the oldest portion of the city and had a high transiency rate. …