A Rose By Any Other Name

Picture of classroom with high school students

When I started teaching, I had the misconception that my point of view was the most important thing in the classroom. But the longer I taught, the more I realized that my perspective was just one part of the classroom culture—not the driving force.…

That’s Not My Name

Picture of a teacher taking a student to the office by his ear.

Conflict is inevitable in a classroom. It’s a small space with 30 students and a teacher trying to teach while maintaining order. Sometimes, students will get on the teacher’s bad side over minor things. I found myself in one of these conflicts back in junior high.…

Day 5 – August 15, 2022 Jose Rivera

The greats have debated the importance of a name for centuries.  Shakespeare in Romeo and Juliet asked about if it really matters: “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.”…