Introduction to Theatre

Picture of Tennyson High SchoolSmall moments in life can have a huge impact. Looking back, I realize that many of my interests and passions were sparked by events that might seem insignificant to others. Theatre, for example, became a major part of my life—first in high school and later when I taught at Rangeview.…

Day 75 December 8, 2022 Power of Music

Music is one area that often gets a raw deal in education. I believe that music can tell the story of your life and can be a means of expression for people that are unable to in any other way.

Day 72 December 5, 2022 Strouse

If I am going to be honest, there is one person that I have spent many hours with that has been a big influence. Tammy Strouse has been a steady force at Rangeview for the entire time I have been there.…