I love to walk and enjoy nature and sites. I was to learn that a walk in Germany means something completely different. Here is a post I did in 2009:
June 22, 2009, By: Randy Mills I was informed this morning of what is considered a short German walk. For this
area a short walk is 2 to 3 hours. I am used to a short walk being from the second or third row at Walmart and walking in. We spent the morning at Vogtsbauernhof which is a museum for homes and lifestyles of the Black Forest region for the last few hundred years. We toured buildings that were built in 1590 all the way to buildings built at the beginning of the 1900s. The homes were very multifunctional. In some of the older homes, you would have the family, stock animals, and food stores under the same roof. Ceramic heating is the most creative and is still in use in modern homes. You heat the ceramic tiles that make up the mantle and fireplace facings and the ceramic holds the heat and will radiate heat for hours without a constant burning of fuel. Many of these homes were in use until the last few years when they were moved to this museum. We had the chance to see several industries in the area from mining to logging. The homes were practical and surprisingly large. The rooms were not tiny rooms as I associate with ancient buildings.
Our next part of the trip was to a health park for a short German walk. We walked a trail of different textures. Everything from small rocks, large rocks, sand, pine cones, mud, grass, and wood chips. The trip was up and down a series of hills and 2 kilometers long. Did I mention that you take this trip barefoot? What a great sensation and feeling on your feet when you are done. It was very refreshing and made me feel like I had new feet. We then went deeper into the valley and saw the world’s largest Cuckoo Clock. There was a little town a little further up the road. We had a chance to do a little shopping and had some wonderful ice cream. This trip was courtesy of the Koppel family that Kaila is staying with and was a nice family outing. Today’s picture will be the whole family in mud: