Questionable Ethics – Doughnut Heaven

The years I spent working at the Royal Fork gave me a great opportunity to understand business and what it takes to be successful. We also got to see firsthand how businesses supported each other, strengthening the local economy. It was in this spirit that my fellow dishwashers and I started helping out at the doughnut shop across Colfax.…

Day 109 February 14, 2014 Valentines Day

St. Valentines Day. A day of love, fun, and romance. The single most important romantic advice I give to students is: “Your future spouse is not currently attending Rangeview!” The hope was that students understand that the vast majority of high school romances end and that there is more out in the world other than Rangeview.…

Day 104 February 7, 2023 Inaugural Parade

With the crowds at the 2009 Presidential Inaugural, It was important to plan, scout, and choose wisely.  I don’t want to hear any argument about crowd sizes but I know I was in a big crowd. Me and 2 million of my closest friends.…

Day 103 February 6, 2023 – Bad Fish

I have been lucky in my career to travel to Washington DC several times with students. I started the stories last week of the 2009 Inauguration trip. Today I tell the story of what can go wrong on a trip. From the title you can probably guess where this is headed, We are still not sure if it was the fish but I am a believer.…

Day 85, January 10, 2023 – No ID?

Being a class sponsor for the freshmen and seniors over the years was a blessing and a curse. I loved working with the kids and doing big projects and making the school better for everyone. One experience was to be at all of the dances over the years.…