Introduction to Theatre

Picture of Tennyson High SchoolSmall moments in life can have a huge impact. Looking back, I realize that many of my interests and passions were sparked by events that might seem insignificant to others. Theatre, for example, became a major part of my life—first in high school and later when I taught at Rangeview.…

You Said I Could Take It Apart!

Picture of a ford rambler 1960

I believe that as we grow up, life gives us signals about what we should be doing. The key is to pay attention. Sometimes, those signals come later in life. My last fifteen years of teaching were spent in computer science, cybersecurity, and engineering.…

A Rose By Any Other Name

Picture of classroom with high school students

When I started teaching, I had the misconception that my point of view was the most important thing in the classroom. But the longer I taught, the more I realized that my perspective was just one part of the classroom culture—not the driving force.…

Day 95 January 25, 2023 – Shout Key

This story happened to Ingrid from my department but it is too good not to include. When I first started at Rangeview we taught computer applications which was the Office Suite. We also taught keyboarding. At this time we also had a graduation requirement of Practical Arts and our department counted for that.…

Week 19 Musical Interlude

Another fun school song and many of us had this experience in school. Van Halen at it’s best.

“I don’t feel tardy!”

Day 86 January 11, 2023 – Parking Lot Duty

I mentioned in my last post about being a class sponsor. There are several more stories about that role but I want to share a quick one. I did not realize that we were a little better off than the elementary school I started with.…

Day 84 January 9, 2023 – Burgers Anyone?

A large part of my experience at Rangeview has involved travel. All over the country and Europe. One of my favorites was traveling to Disneyland with the student leadership group. Disneyland has a wonderful leadership academy and ran a good program that taught the fundamentals of leadership.…

Day 83 January 6, 2022 – My Flag

I am a strong believer in our commitment to diversity at Rangeview. We have been a No Place For Hate designated school by the ADL for many years. One of our added pieces is the Diversity Week we have every year.…

Day 82 January 5, 2022 – Quit Teaching

I am going to recycle a post I did several years ago. It is a post about tragedy but also about why I teach and accept the good and the bad.

We were given the question at an in-service about the day that we wanted to quit teaching.

Day 70 December 1, 2022 – Baseball Coach

One of the great pleasures I have had at Rangeview is coaching baseball. There will be many stories later about our baseball escapades. The colleague that I am thankful for is our head coach Mike Hamilton. Our field for the lower levels were separate from the varsity and JV field and we liked it that way.…

Week 11 Musical Interlude

Some good old Folk music. It is a part of my war protest music and is a very fun song with a serious message. It sometimes gets lost on people who don’t understand satire but I hope you enjoy it.…

Day 20 – September 8, 2022 Mrs. Truman

Recently I did a post about the cafeteria manager who got teddy bears for students. I want to now tell the story of the “Book Lady” that kids loved. Mrs. Truman lived down the block from Montview and had lived there for many years.…

Day 19 – September 7, 2022 Racism

Facing blatant racism was a new experience. I had witnessed racism daily as a kid but I never expected to see it when I was teaching. I now know that I had a very naive outlook. I believed people had enough class to keep some of their opinions to themselves and let the rest of the world go on. …

Day 10 – August 22, 2022 Holidays

There are things that young teachers learn the easy way and some are learned the hard way. The difference is often dependent upon if the teacher listens to the parent, students, or colleagues. One of the hallmarks of a new teacher is the confidence that come from teacher training and a controlled student teacher setting.…