My Thirty-Year Educational Crusade

Please join me in my celebration. Stories will be posted for every student contact day this school year. The first will be elementary stories and will cover my time as an elementary teacher at Montview. The remainder will be stories from my 21 years at Rangeview High School.

I promised stories about French Monkeys all the way back on day 131 of the blog. Here goes...     In Germany, we travel around the region for fun and history. One of the lesser-known attractions is a Monkey Park called La Montagne des Singes. Roughly Read more
Panhandling seems to be a problem everywhere. While we were in Strasbourg, France we saw the in the tourist areas. Along with people walking around selling junk for exorbitant prices. You just had to pay attention. The teachers were having a cup of coffee while Read more
Our goal of the German Exchange was to explore history as well as modern life in Germany. It was to support our German language program at Rangeview.  We always spent time traveling the region and extended into France. Our trips to Strasbourg were always an Read more
This is a story that I haven't told often. It is in keeping with my goal to not appear on the six o'clock news as a teacher. The exchange that my daughter was a part of had many different adventures. You have already heard a Read more
This is Prom season so I have 3 songs from my Prom time in the 70s. First is Stairway to Heaven. Played at every dance but was impossible to dance to.  Taking Care of Business by BTO was a great dancing song with a lot Read more
I had a post about our first trip to Berlin earlier but I want to add a couple of details I didn't include in the first post. The unexploded bomb that delayed the train was just the beginning. We got to see the era of Read more
I have spent my career being at the forefront of technology I have used some great products over the years. PowerPoint is a case in point. I started using PowerPoint for MAC in the early 90s. It didn't start out as a Microsoft product but Read more
Leadership matters. For my CyberPatriot trip to the National Finals, we had a leader that had emerged three years earlier. Lucas Nicodemus was our leader on the team and ran a tight ship! Our goal from 2010 was to return and Lucas spent the next Read more
I try to avoid making promises because I don't like the idea of breaking them. Every now and then I make a promise and wait and hope that I can deliver. Our first year with CyberPatriot was successful because we made nationals. I tried to Read more
A couple of songs for this week. The first is a Rod Stewart song, Forever Young. It really speaks to how I view students. They will always be 17 in my classroom. No matter what they do I will always be there for them. The Read more
Our first year in CyberPatriot saw us push all of the rules. The competition started as an added piece for ROTC. It really hadn't considered the open division, so when they made it available to all schools, the rules had to be challenged. The first Read more
Emails have become extra work in this modern day of education. There was a time when the principal got all of the information from the district and anyone else and synthesize what we needed to know. They would make a weekly or daily bulletin that Read more