Project Lead The Way (PLTW) has been a big part of my teaching and my life for the last fifteen years. One of the best parts of my experience with PLTW has been the Summit conferences. Over the years, these events have evolved—there was a time when they held one big conference, then they transitioned to smaller regional events, and now they alternate between a large conference every other year and an off-year event called Masterminds.…
Category Archives: Personal
You Said I Could Take It Apart!
I believe that as we grow up, life gives us signals about what we should be doing. The key is to pay attention. Sometimes, those signals come later in life. My last fifteen years of teaching were spent in computer science, cybersecurity, and engineering.…
Food Quality – Royal Fork Buffet
Royal Fork Buffet was my first “official” job when I was sixteen. Jerry Caven started the chain in 1967 in Idaho, and they had several locations in the Denver metro area. There were two in Lakewood—one on West Colfax and one on Alameda.…
Allen Elementary – San Bruno
Allen Elementary was a small school in San Bruno, California. I wasn’t there for very long, but a couple of experiences deeply impacted me and set the tone for my education moving forward. It’s often the little things that stick with kids the most, shaping them in ways they never forget.…
Lunch Money & Compassion
Pitching pennies has been a childhood pastime for generations. The rules are simple: whoever lands their penny closest to the wall—or even better, gets a “leaner”—wins. A group of kids would play, and the winner took all the pennies. It seemed like just another harmless schoolyard game.…
A Rose By Any Other Name
When I started teaching, I had the misconception that my point of view was the most important thing in the classroom. But the longer I taught, the more I realized that my perspective was just one part of the classroom culture—not the driving force.…
That’s Not My Name
Conflict is inevitable in a classroom. It’s a small space with 30 students and a teacher trying to teach while maintaining order. Sometimes, students will get on the teacher’s bad side over minor things. I found myself in one of these conflicts back in junior high.…
Father Baseball!
We moved a lot when I was a kid. Because of that, I made a conscious decision that when I had children, they wouldn’t have to move if I could help it. My daughter lived in an apartment for five years and then in the same house until she left for college.…
Regional Office Bigwig
Living in a small town has its perks, but there are definitely some drawbacks. Take my time in Lewistown, Montana, for example. I went through my first divorce there, and since Montana is a no-fault state, as long as everything was worked out, signed, and submitted, neither party had to show up in court.…
Conversation Starter
Woolworth Store and The Police
I’ve always tried to live my life in a way that minimizes contact with authorities. However, managing stores for Woolworths inevitably brought me into contact with local police. In the mid-’80s, there was a bit of a crime problem in the neighborhood where I worked, specifically at the Montview store in Aurora.…
Price Matching
Working for a decade at the Woolworth Corporation gave rise to a plethora of captivating anecdotes. Amid numerous opportunities to bolster the company and foster customer loyalty, none proved as potent as the art of price-matching. However, amidst these tactics, there were occasional encounters with customers who harbored unfeasible expectations.…
Day 177 May 24, 2023 Graduation Day
This is the completion of my official retirement blog. I did exactly what I said I would do. I have a story for every student contact day. I will be branching out a little bit because I still have many stories to share.…
Week 37 Musical Interlude
The Beach Boys’ song Graduation Day is fitting for the last week of the school year.
Another good song: Graduation by Vitamin C
My wish for the kids by Lee Ann Womack
Day 173 May 18, 2023 Swimming Pool Jeep
If you know my daughter, please don’t tell her I wrote this story about her in high school. All children lie to their parents a little. No matter how virtuous they are there is a fib here and there. My child is no different.…
Day 171 May 16, 2023 Unfinished Business
We are in our last week of instruction. This is a time I reflect on what went well and what needs changing for next year. This year I don’t have to plan for next year so I will take time to reflect on thirty years.…
Week 36 Musical Interlude
These 2 songs were important during my years of high school. We always looked to be free and so we sang Freebird a lot. The other one for this week is the song played by every high school student sing its release in 1972.…
Day 168 May 11, 2023 Club Fifty
The is nothing more sacred to a teacher than the opportunity to use the restroom. We hold it dear and do not want anything disturbing our routines. When I got to Rangeview I was in my early 40s and was one of the younger people in our area.…
Week 35 Musical Interlude
When I look at my last year of high school for the second time, I get nostalgic about my life. I tend to remember the things from my first trip through high school. It was not the joyous romp that is often portrayed.…
Day 165 May 8, 2023 Catchphrase
Bantering with students is a way that teachers make connections with students. I think I have used many catchphrases over the years and some take on a life of their own. It culminated years ago in one of my students creating a poster of things I was not allowed to say anymore.…
Day 153 April 19, 2023 30-Second Haircut
The escapades with my hair continue. A few years after the leg waxing incident, I decided to do another homecoming hair challenge. I knew that the legs were off-limits this time and so I went with shaving my head bald. The good news is that after every time I have done this, it has grown back.…
Day 152 April 18, 2023 Hairless Teacher
One of the fun activities in high school is the annual homecoming. As a teacher, I felt it was my responsibility to participate and show the students the value of school spirit. I mentioned the dress-up days previously but I want to highlight getting deeply into the spirit.…
Day 143 April 5, 2023 Turn Off The Lights
This story is reported from my perspective and memory. I know people have had other experiences so I am speaking just for myself. There are students that have a huge impact on their teachers but not many transcend as much as our theatre spirit.…
Day 141 April 3, 2023 It Didn’t Seem Important!
I want to take some time and do some stories from my years in theatre and performing arts. I mentioned very early in this blog that I got into the Theatre Department because the principal in my interview talked about the activities I did in high school.…
Day 138 March 29, 2023 I’m Outta Here!
Working with umpires is a delicate balance between diplomacy and losing your mind. I need to say that the overwhelming majority of the umpires we have had were outstanding and did their job well. There were times that I didn’t agree with them but that is to be expected in a game.…
Day 132 March 21, 2023 – Exchange Relationships
This will be my last post about the German Exchange for a while. This one I am writing this one now instead of using a previously published story.
Relationships are the most cherished memories from the exchange. The friends I have made make me long for a return visit.…
Day 124 March 9, 2023 Struthof Camp
Of the trips I have taken, this was the hardest day. We went to the Struthof Concentration camp. Prisoners here worked at a quarry about a kilometer away. The post was short but the pictures were more powerful. I have added a link to the website for further information.…
Day 123 March 8, 2023 A German Walk
I love to walk and enjoy nature and sites. I was to learn that a walk in Germany means something completely different. Here is a post I did in 2009:
June 22, 2009, By: Randy Mills I was informed this morning of what is considered a short German walk.…
Day 122 March 7, 2023 Viva La France!
This is a post from the 2009 trip. It was a day in Strasbourg France. It hit all the right spots: food, international politics, and my fear of heights!
June 17, 2009 By: Randy Mills
Monday, June 15th found us in Strasbourg, France.…
Day 119 March 2, 2023 School Days
We are getting to the end of the quarter and like the students, I am going to recycle some stuff. This is a post from our first German exchange talking about the school.
Our next big adventure was to attend school with the students.…
Day 117 February 28, 2023 My Overseas Office
As an American teacher, I am used to having an office for my job. I loved my desk in the business office and it was a place to relax and not be stressed for a short time. It was very important until it was taken from us a couple of years ago.…
Day 116 February 27, 2023 My Best Friend
The relationships you develop over the course of an exchange are lasting. Dawn and I have developed a relationship with our German counterparts over fifteen years. It is a bond that goes beyond just partners for academic activity. We have spent a great deal of time with many teachers over the years but we have a family that we are especially close to and have contact with until this day.…
Day 114 February 23, 2023 Kazakhstan
I am going to start doing some stories from our part of exchanges at Rangeview. Bud Blauer & Patrice Dovas-Hudson had very strong programs. Bud had a school in Kazakhstan to support the Russian language program. I loved having the students in my classroom every year and as a result, I received one of the most prized souvenirs of my teaching career.…
Day 105 February 8, 2023 I See You
During the Presidential Inaugural in 2009, there were millions of people on the National Mall and the surrounding areas. At this same time, our DECA chapter was starting some new businesses as a part of the class. They had all kinds of clothing, scarves, and jackets.…
Day 104 February 7, 2023 Inaugural Parade
With the crowds at the 2009 Presidential Inaugural, It was important to plan, scout, and choose wisely. I don’t want to hear any argument about crowd sizes but I know I was in a big crowd. Me and 2 million of my closest friends.…
Day 102 February 3, 2023 – Toilet Paper
BRING TOILET PAPER AND HAND WARMERS. It is not often that you see a headline like this. In 2009 we had a group of students attending the Presidential Inauguration in Washington DC. The trip had been planned for many months without regard to who the winner would be.…
Day 94 January 24, 2023 – Trash Homage
Today is my birthday post. With that in mind, let’s talk trash. One of the joys of teaching is seeing the artistic skills of some students. I casually was speaking of how the big new trash cans we got were bland.…
Day 91, January 19, 2023 – Marching Band
The sights and sounds of a high school are sometimes the most amazing sounds you can hear. I live in the community where Rangeview is located. From my bathroom window, I can see the school. One of my most vivid memories during the summers was the Marching Band.…
Day 90 January 18, 2023 – Mile 342
342 is an important number to Rangeview and almost everyone who passes by the sign has no idea what it means. The number changed how the building and external amenities were placed on our site. Rangeview has one of the smallest land footprints in the state for a 5A high school.…
Day 89 January 17, 2023 – Little Dots
Yesterday was Martin Luther King Jr. holiday so I have a short week. One of the great mysteries at Rangeview is the white dots on the walls on the first floor. Most people go through their entire 4 years as a student and don’t know they are even there.…
Day 85, January 10, 2023 – No ID?
Being a class sponsor for the freshmen and seniors over the years was a blessing and a curse. I loved working with the kids and doing big projects and making the school better for everyone. One experience was to be at all of the dances over the years.…
Day 82 January 5, 2022 – Quit Teaching
I am going to recycle a post I did several years ago. It is a post about tragedy but also about why I teach and accept the good and the bad.
We were given the question at an in-service about the day that we wanted to quit teaching.
Day 81 January 4, 2023 – Flying Cars
The story for today isn’t about my time at Rangeview. It is about my time at Vivian Elementary in Lakewood growing up. As we pass into the year 2023 I am reminded of how far away the year 2000 is. It is as far from my high school graduation as the year 2000 and I remember thinking about how far off that was.…
Day 80 December 15, 2022 – Winter Break
Last day before break. This is a bittersweet day. I am tired and need the break but I know that after three days I will be chomping at the bit. Vacations are a time to evaluate and prepare. The one lesson I have learned in thirty years is that no matter the planning, there will be things that change it and shuffle things.…
Day 79, December 14, 2022 Airplane Cockpit
This is a thank you and one a secret about our building. In Aurora, we have been lucky with the community passing bonds for school improvements. In my tenure in APS we have passed them all. I will later tell some stories about being on the committees that passed these bonds.…
Day 78, December 13, 2022 Wifi Highjacking
Being a computer teacher has its advantages. I often will get things before anyone else and get to try them out for others. Earlier in the blog, I spoke about the introduction of laptops to our itinerant staff and how we were unprepared for them as a district.…
Day 75 December 8, 2022 Power of Music
Day 74 December 7, 2022 – Bromance
Today is the 81st anniversary of the Pearl Harbor bombing to force the US into the Second World War. With that in mind, I will do my favorite veteran. This person is not a staff member at Rangeview but was as important a part of my work as most of my faculty colleagues.…
Day 72 December 5, 2022 Strouse
If I am going to be honest, there is one person that I have spent many hours with that has been a big influence. Tammy Strouse has been a steady force at Rangeview for the entire time I have been there.…